Oletko toiminut EVS-vapaaehtoisena tai -mentorina, tai onko organisaatiosi välittänyt EVS-vapaaehtoisia? Erasmus+, European Volunteer Centre ja muut yhteistyökumppanit haluavat selvittää, miten EVS-ohjelma voisi entistä paremmin tukea mentoreita ja organisaatioita sekä tarjota parempia oppimiskokemuksia vapaaehtoisille. Kyselyyn vastaaminen vie vain 10 minuuttia. Vastaa kyselyyn 24.6.2017 mennessä.
The European Volunteer Centre – CEV has become involved in a long-term Erasmus+ strategic partnership, called EVS Realm, focused on improving EVS, especially from the mentoring process perspective: Facebook – EVS Realm
We are starting now to develop some comprehensive tools for mentors as well as training for EVS organizations, but we need to take the pulse of mentoring in EVS all over Europe, to understand what needs to be changed or improved and how we can support mentors and EVS organizations alike, to create better learning experiences for the EVS volunteers.
Survey for EVS Organisations (all roles, Sending, Hosting)
Survey for current or ex-EVS mentors
Survey for current or ex-EVS Volunteers
So, if you have or had involved into EVS framework, please fill it in from your perspective and also redirect it to your networks of mentors and volunteers – all 3 perspectives are very important for us in analysing the status of mentoring and discovering what needs we can address with the present project and our partner combined expertise.
We are preparing a training for end of August 2017, so the replies to the survey will have an important stake in designing the training contents. If you are interested, we would be happy to keep you informed of our work or to get other ideas and suggestions from you, so please connect to our project Facebook page and don’t hesitate to send us questions.
Giulia Bordin
European Volunteer Centre (CEV)
Rue d’Edimbourg 26, Brussels 1050 I Belgium
www.cev.be | giulia.bordin@cev.be | +32 465233964